Is sitting the new smoking?

Is sitting the new smoking?

 Is sitting the new smoking?

  Today's lifestyle makes many of us sit much more than we move around. Hence, researchers have  recently stated that sitting has become the new smoking as now it has become equally harmful. Why? Is it true? Let's see...

  Now, sitting for a brief time is not harmful. But doing so for long periods of time is harmful.

  Looking at the number of bones, joints and muscles in our body, we can say that our bodies are built to move. Moreover, our skin is elastic which means it stretches and bends according to our movements. This indicates that as our body requires movement, our skin has evolved to become elastic.

  In addition tot this, standing or moving around does not affect our blood circulation and transmission of nerve impulses. However, sitting in a specific posture for extended periods can compress blood vessels and nerves in various body parts, thus affecting the blood circulation and causing numbness. 

  Hence, the formation of our body indicates that it is built to stand against gravity and move around more often. So, we should avoid sitting for too long. Or else, it might prove fatal.
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