Is sanskrit the mother of all languages?

Is sanskrit the mother of all languages?

 Is sanskrit the mother of all languages?

  Sanskrit is an old, divine Indian language which is often regarded as the "Language of Gods". Written in Devnagri script, it is known for its clarity and beauty. It is a popular belief that Sanskrit language is the Mother of all languages. Is it true? Let's see...

  Though not for all the languages, Sanskrit is surely the mother of many languages, especially languages spoken in India. Even many words from Dravidian languages are derived from Sanskrit. Almost all of the ancient kinds of literature such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Epics, Shastras, Puranas and many works on Medicine, astronomy, astrology, and mathematics of those times were written in Sanskrit.

  Sanskrit even has a similarity between Latin and Greek languages. Sanskrit is the oldest survived language on earth and is a sacred language of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain traditions. Many of the ancient literary works including Jain and Buddhist works and even Yoga Shastra were written in Sanskrit. It might be because of its great heritage and cultural hegemony Sanskrit is called as the Mother of many languages.

  While many people regard Tamil as the mother of all languages. 

  Since languages are continuously evolving systems, asking whether Tamil or Sanskrit is older or which language evolved from which only makes sense if we are comparing their oldest literature. If we are talking about the spoken language itself, it is like asking ‘who has the earliest ancestor - me or you?’ 

  So it is really difficult to say whether sanskrit is the mother is all languages. But yes, one thing is acceptable that 97% of the languages show some or the other similarity with sanskrit.

  But hey, I would love to hear from you, what do you think in the comments below...
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