Is social media improving or worsening our lives?

Is social media improving or worsening our lives?

Is social media improving or worsening our lives?

What is social media?

  Social media is the beating heart of the 21st century. Many people worldwide have an online presence in some capacity. Social media is invaluable for connecting and communicating with people across the globe, building professional and personal relationships, and allowing us to capture the present moment and make it last for long.

  Yet in an era where daily time on social media is increasing tremendously, anyone may ask that is social media improving or worsening our lives?

Does social media distract students?

  Not only adults, but now-a-days students are more active on social media. This might arise a question that does social media distract students?

  Students who are heavy social media users tend to have lower grades. They easily distract themselves from their studies and this reduces the time of quality study. 

  But yes, contrary to what many parents think, social media sites help students do better at school and college. Reportedly, around 60% of the students use social  media to discuss educational topics. And 50% of them to talk about school assignments. 

Does social media improves or impedes relationship?

  Social media allows people to improve their relationships and make new friends. May it be teens or adults, many of them use social sites to connect with family members and friends. So this definitely improves relationships. Moreover, while surfing on social media, we come across many new people which can largely turn into friends, partners, etc.

  But on the flip-side, online communication hinders the development of conflict management skills and awareness of interpersonal indications. This can impact offline relations and make it more stressful.

  But, ironically, our world has seemingly devolved into a state of caveman incompetence, as we lack the capacity to converse and connect without a virtual keyboard and emojis. And so, while sending a text or snapping a picture may increase the quantity of communication, but the quality of such communication will always be weaker.

What are some other advantages of social media?

  Jobless people can easily seek for jobs on an online social network. Social media gives social movements a quick, no-cost method to organize, disseminate information, and mobilize people. This facilitates political changes.

  Researches also found that social media is good for the economy. It also helps senior citizens feel more connected. Social media has a myriad of benefits.

What are some other disadvantages of social media?

  Children may endanger themselves by not understanding the public and viral nature of social media. Social media enables cheating on school assignments.

  Criminals use social media to commit and promote crimes.

  Social media causes people to spend less time interacting face-to-face. So social media has equal disadvantages too. 


  So what does social media exactly do? Is social media improving or worsening our lives?

  I have mentioned a few positive and negative points of social media, but it doesn't explain that social media is improving or worsening our lives. It stands somewhere in between. It is all up to you. You can put social media to use for a good cause or worsen your own life by using it in a bad manner.

  I would like to hear about your thoughts and opinion about this in the comments section below.
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