Does God exist?

Should you believe in God?
Many people believe there is no God because they are convinced that science has fully explained how our universe came to be, and if there is a natural explanation of our origins, why would we need a supernatural one?
Science has managed to make incredible progress in a lot of areas including technology, biology, astronomy and what not. So believing in God seems worthless. But many people think that science is still unable to explain many answers like why are we here? What are our origins? etc. So there might be a supernatural deity who has done everything.
Science says that life isn't formed by chance, but mutations took place and humans were born.
Religions also say that God made the universe. However, the theory of the Big Bang and Darwin’s theory of evolution explain how the universe began and how it has become the way it is now.
Science has managed to make incredible progress in a lot of areas including technology, biology, astronomy and what not. So believing in God seems worthless. But many people think that science is still unable to explain many answers like why are we here? What are our origins? etc. So there might be a supernatural deity who has done everything.
What if God doesn't exists?
The question whether God exists or not will be controversial for years. But what if one day, we discover that everything is scientific and God doesn't exist and never existed?
The first impact will be on hope. We all, somewhere deep in ourselves, have a hope. When we give an exam and await for results, we live on hope, hoping for good marks or expected marks. Without God, we all would have to live without hope.
Why does God exist?
Perhaps this question is highly debatable, we will try to find out whether there are any possible solutions to it. Being unanswerable, it is highly important as it decides ones perspective of seeing the life.
A theory basically says that the universe is like an iPhone. If you found an iPhone on the ground you wouldn’t imagine the phone had just created itself – it’s a complicated bit of technology with an obvious purpose, so you’d assume that someone had designed and made the phone before it got dropped. The universe is the same. It’s such a complex place that it’s impossible for it to have come about by chance - it must have a designer and creator. So the universe itself is the proof that God exists.
Philosophers also think that complex beings like humans cannot be created from bacteria and that too by chance! They should have been crated by an intelligent person.
We all always imagine something more than what exists. Something better than reality is always imagined. But when we imagine God, we can't imagine anyone better than God. This contradicts its definition. Thus God doesn't exist.A theory basically says that the universe is like an iPhone. If you found an iPhone on the ground you wouldn’t imagine the phone had just created itself – it’s a complicated bit of technology with an obvious purpose, so you’d assume that someone had designed and made the phone before it got dropped. The universe is the same. It’s such a complex place that it’s impossible for it to have come about by chance - it must have a designer and creator. So the universe itself is the proof that God exists.
Philosophers also think that complex beings like humans cannot be created from bacteria and that too by chance! They should have been crated by an intelligent person.
Why God doesn't exist?
Science says that life isn't formed by chance, but mutations took place and humans were born.
Religions also say that God made the universe. However, the theory of the Big Bang and Darwin’s theory of evolution explain how the universe began and how it has become the way it is now.
However, there are only a part of the evidence for God's existence. With dozens of arguments upon this, its hard to decide does God exists or not. So, let's leave this answer up-to people. I would love to hear what you think about this in the comments section below...
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