Why do we forget things while entering a room?

Why do we forget things while entering a room?

Why do we forget things while entering a room?

  Forgetting things while entering a room is normal and is called as the "doorway effect". These errors in the memory are embarrassing and common. They happen when we usually pass through doorways. But why does this happen???

  Doorways depict 2 things- and of the room you are in and a beginning of the room you will enter in. This transition fools our brain that we are entering some new place. This deletes the short term memory and makes space for more memory that will be coming. In short, seeing a new location, our memory resets...

  But then what should be done to avoid this? The simple answer is just utter the thing you were about to bring. Like if you enter your room to take books, just chant books books books books until you pass the doorway...
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