What are ancient Egyptian Gods?
The Egyptians would not have been enough stupid to believe in imaginary Gods. The beings they described in their myths were very, very real. In the old days, the priests of Egypt would call upon these Gods to channel their powers and perform great feats. That is the origin of what we call now magic. Like many other things, magic was invented by the Egyptians. Each ancient Egyptian temple had a branch of magicians called the House of Life. These magicians were famous throughout the world.
Gods were believed to be present throughout the world, capable of influencing natural events and human lives. Humans interacted with them in temples and shrines, for personal reasons as well as for larger goals of state rites. Egyptians prayed for divine help. Humans' relation with Gods was a fundamental part of the Egyptian society.
Most Egyptian deities represent natural or social phenomena. The Gods were generally said to be immanent in these phenomena.
Ancient Egyptian writings describe God's bodies in detail. They are made of precious materials like gold, silver or lapis lazuli. They give off a scent that Egyptians likely uses in rituals. Some texts give precise description of particular deities including their height and eye colour.
Although the Egyptians believed their Gods to be present in the world around them, contact between the humans and the divine realms was mostly limited to specific circumstances. In literatures, Gods may appear to humans in a physical form, gut in real life Egyptians were limited to more indirect means of communication.
To the Egyptians, a place or object that was sacred was isolated and ritually pure, and thus fit for a God to inhabit.
Here is a list of Ancient Egyptian Gods and their roles:
Amun- God of creation.
Amunet- Goddess of creation.
Anhur- God of sky and war.
Anput- Goddess of the 17th Nome of the Upper Egypt.
Anubis- God of dead, embalming, funerals, and mourning ceremonies.
Anuket- Goddess of river Nile.
Apis- A bull God.
Apophis- God of snake, war and chaos.
Aten- The disk of sun.
Babi- God of baboons.
Bast- A cat Goddess.
Bes- Dwarf God of entertainment.
Geb- God of Earth.
Hapi- God of Nile.
Hathor- Goddess of love.
Hecket- Goddess of frogs.
Horus- God of war, sky and falcons.
Isis- Goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and protection.
Kebechet- Goddess of purification.
Khepri- God of scarab beetles, sun, rebirth, and creation.
Khnum- God of Nile.
Khonsu- God of moon.
Kuk- Personification of darkness.
Mahes- God of war.
Maat- Goddess of justice, truth and order.
Mafdet- God of justice.
Mehit- A lioness Goddess.
Nepthys- God of funeral.
Nekhbet- A vulture Goddess.
Osiris- God of underworld and afterlife.
Pakhet- Goddess of motherhood and war.
Ptah- God of creation.
Qebui- God of north wind.
Qetesh- Goddess of nature, beauty, sacred ecstasy, and sexual pleasure.
Ra- God of sun and creation.
RaetTawy- Goddess of sun.
Sekhmet- God of lions, fire and vengeance.
Seker- A falcon God.
Serqet- Goddess of scorpions, magic, medicine, and healing venomous stings and bites.
Seshat- Goddess of writing and measurement.
Set- God of chaos, change, deserts, storms, foreigners.
Shu- God of wind, air, and light.
Sobek- God of crocodiles.
Sopdu- God of sky.
Tawaret- Goddess of childbirth and fertility.
Tefnut- Goddess of water and fertility.
Thoth- Scribe God of knowledge, the moon, measurement, wisdom, the Alphabet, djeru, records, thought, intelligence, meditation, the mind, logic, reason, reading, hieroglyphics, magic, secrets, scribes, and writing.
Wadjet- Goddess of protection
History is really interesting, isn't it???
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