Can sneezing pop your eyes out?

Can sneezing pop your eyes out?

 Can sneezing pop your eyes out? 

  You might have heard your parents or friends telling that, if you don’t close your eyelids while sneezing, your eyes will pop out! I have also heard it. But how true does this hold?

  However, eyes popping out, also scientifically known as globe luxation is almost impossible. This is because your eye muscles and bony eye sockets are the once which firmly hold your eyeballs in place every time, even while sneezing. 

  Now, when you sneeze, a huge pressure builds up in your chest and head. However, this pressure is extremely unlikely to dislocate your eyeballs because the pressure is released through your nose and mouth.

  However, it is important to note that there are a very small number of cases reported, in which eyeballs have indeed popped out due to sneezing. So, it’s certainly not impossible, but is extremely rare.
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