Why do we get goosebumps?

Why do we get goosebumps?

 Why do we get goosebumps?

  During strong emotions or during cold, our body hairs stand up and give us goosebumps. But why do we get goosebumps?

  Goosebumps served a purpose for our ancestors who had tons of hair on their body. When our ancestors felt cold, their adrenal glands produced adrenaline. Adrenaline caused the arrector pili muscles which are attached to the hair follicles to contract, creating shallow depressions on the skin surface and making the hair stand straight up, thus causing goosebumps.

  The straightened hair trapped more air which prevented their body heat from escaping and hence, kept them warm. Also, when our ancestors felt scared of any animal, the adrenaline made their hair get up making them look bigger and thus, scared their attacker.

  Now, as this characteristic of goosebumps is inherited by us, we also get them during strong emotions or when it's cold. Ofcourse, we don't have long hairs and nor we are attackers. Are we?
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