Why do our eyes glow in some photos?

Why do our eyes glow in some photos?

 Why do our eyes glow in some photos?

  Did you ever take a photo of yourself with flash on at the night time? If yes, then one thing in it must be clearly, noticable, that horror looking glowing red eyes. But why do eyes glow in some photos?

  It mainly happens because of blood vessels in your eyes and pupil. Pupil is a small opening whose size is adjusted by the circular muscle around it called as iris.

  In bright light, the iris contracts making the pupil smaller, thus allowing less light to enter into our eyes. In dark, the iris relaxes making the pupil larger, thus allowing more light to enter and also exposing the blood vessels in our eyes.

  Hence, when we take a photo in such a dark environment, like at the night time, the flash of light from the camera flashes into our eyes at once.

  Some of this light gets reflected from the blood vessels onto the camera before our iris can contract, making our eyes glow red in photos.
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