Can Savant syndrome make you a superhero?

Can Savant syndrome make you a superhero?

Can Savant syndrome make you a superhero?

What is Savant syndrome?

  Savant syndrome is a rare and an extra-ordinary disorder which makes the victim demonstrate certain abilities in excess. Like a person with this Savant syndrome may suddenly excel in mathematics, arts, cartography, etc. Such people show exceptional skills any one of this field. Such people are usually a victim of autism. These people have below average intelligence and they lack in social skills. However, they show extraordinary memories or unique mathematical, musical, or mechanical abilities.

How many people currently suffer from Savant syndrome?

  Less than a hundred people in the world suffer from this mental disorder. One in a million people suffer from Savant syndrome. Generally 1 out of 10 autistic people suffer from savant syndrome.

Can Savant syndrome make you a superhero?

  People with Savant syndrome can excel in cartography, math, 3D modelling, etc. That is why people often regard Savants as geniuses. People that is why think that this syndrome can make people superheros. But is it true or not?

  Yes, Savant syndrome can make people excel in any field making them talented and genius. But for those who dream to get superpowers like Savants, let me tell you that Savants are mentally ill people. Being a Savant, you might excel in some qualities, but you will be autistic. Except for your exceptional skill, you will lack in other subjects. You will have a below average IQ and intelligence. Moreover, you will also lack in social skills and manners.

  So briefly speaking, Savants aren't superheroes.
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